She's So Fancy
Fancy Is As Fancy Does...
OK, enough cute "fancy" quips... I am back friends! Today I got to play with the Fancy Font Sentiments stamp set and I was so stoked because I think this font is so fun to look at play with and gives a little sense of retro-love to its projects.
I started out doing the auto pilot thing and I made a card. Not saying it isn't incredible, because let's be straight, every card made using Ink Road Stamps is inherently amazing... BUT! I have to say my second project certainly stole this Fancy show!
Let's get it started already gosh!
So I checked out the stamp set and I chose the sentiment "Sending Paper Hugs" because it seems so delightfully inclusive. Maybe you and your girlfriend got in a fight and she was obviously right and you were wrong and she deserves an apology. Maybe your co-worker's dog needs surgery. Maybe your mom is working hard and not getting any younger and needs a pick me up. Maybe your son is away at college getting drunk and having the time of his life and... OK, I don't know, there are countless scenarios for this sentiment. But that was going in a dark direction.
As I did in my last blog post I used some coloring book paper but this time I used a slice of paper from the front cover that has this beautiful rose gold foil detail so I let that paper decide my color palette. I went with some warm muted colors to round it all out.
I like to enhance the stamped lettering with a little bit of colored pencil to bring the color around to where the rest of the design is. I just make sure my pencil is very sharp to get into those small spaces and go very slow.
How do we like her? We love her, BUT! Wait till you see our next babe.
Drum Roll? YES!
Enough hype (I make a great hype friend because I will always tell you how fantastic you are!)...
I was sitting there at my desk after making the previous card which turned out so cute but I was having a block. Because I like to do two projects per stamp set and I prefer them to match (ish..) but my mind was drawing a blank about where to go next. So I started shuffling through my STASH of goodies, embellishments, scrap papers, and remembered PHOTOS! I also remembered a conversation my daughter and I had recently. My son recently found a card I had hand made for him on his birthday a few years ago. He kept it (GUSH!) and was showing it off to us. My daughter said, "Why haven't you made me a card before?" and I was hit with a wave of mom-guilt. So I gathered some cute photos (printed by Social Print Studio) for inspiration and some little nick-knacks and started piecing together a project!
I used an old accordion blank journal I had laying around for like four years and decided I would make her a little scrap book instead of a card. Today I just worked on the cover but over time I will fill the inside with more photos, stamps, mementos, some of her drawings and some little notes about how much I love her.
I think she will be over the moon excited to receive it. She is crafty like me and loves handmade gifts.
I used some patterned paper, more coloring book pages, some little paper embellishments I have had for years sitting in the bottom of a box, staples, some dewy little drops of liquid adhesive, and columnar paper. (Have I told you lately that I love to recycle and repurpose things?!)
I just love it so far and already am getting a vision for the rest of the book! Don't you love it when that happens?!
So...What Did We Learn???
>< I learned that if (WHEN) I get stuck that rummaging through old scraps of paper and nick-knacks WILL inspire me
>< Use what you've got before getting anything new! My crafty motto honestly. A lot of times the things I have collected over the years are better than store bought for me. The chocolate wrapper with a cute little love poem on it, or the sticker you got from a grab bag at a convention, or photos! Use what you have first!
>< Don't force a project that isn't going where you want it to go. I sometimes do that and when I do it never turns out well. Don't force creativity!
Well friends that is all. You heard my mom-guilt story and you saw my cute creation and we had a laugh and I got a little dark for a moment. We have covered all the bases!
Remember - Create Everyday!